Multi Storey Residential Units In Epsom

Multi Storey Residential Units In Epsom

Shire Engineering Consultants is commissioned to undertake the civil engineering works for a residential site, which involves the demolition of existing structures to form the platforms and accessway.

We have issued an engineering infrastructure report which covers the following aspects of the development projects: earthworks and environmental erosion/sediment control, stormwater management, wastewater drainage, water supply (potable, non potable and for firefighting in case of emergency), vehicles access, etc.

The completed reports include the calculations and supporting documentation to support the resource consent applications.

Our recommendations are that minimal earthworks are required to construct a shared accessway for the building platforms. We have concluded that onsite detention (tanks underground) is an appropriate measure to control the disposal which is through a new kerb outlet onto the main road.

The site will be connected to the new public wastewater mains, and there will be water supply connections to the mains, as well as suitable connections to the power and telecommunications underground in the shared driveway berm to service the future dwellings.

We have undertaken other residential development projects with construction monitoring and post construction documentation included in the civil works.